Clearwater Beach 2017
Clearwater Beach Festival of Chariots and Ratha Yatra 2017 Saturday, May 6, 2017: A group of four of us drove the 168 miles from Alachua, Florida to Clearwater Beach, Florida. It was very beautiful as [...]
Clearwater Beach Festival of Chariots and Ratha Yatra 2017 Saturday, May 6, 2017: A group of four of us drove the 168 miles from Alachua, Florida to Clearwater Beach, Florida. It was very beautiful as [...]
Festival of Chariots was featured in the St. Augustine Record magazine with a full page feature and a two page spread. We are very grateful to the city of St. Augustine for featuring us and [...]
Daytona Beach, FL Festival of Chariots - Rathayatra By Abhimanyu Das ( 5/30/15) Last Saturday, May 23rd, we had another wonderful Rathayatra festival at Daytona Beach. We started at the Holiday Inn with kirtan led [...]
Festival of Chariots - Clearwater Beach, Florida by Abhimanyu Wolf SONY DSC Dandavats! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! On a beautiful and sunny Mother's Day, Sunday May 10th, 2015 at Clearwater Beach, we [...]
The first ever Festival of Chariots in Puerto Rico will be held on December 27th 2014! Come for a perfect holiday get-away right between Christmas and New Years by celebrating the Holy Day of [...]
Ninth Annual Tampa Bay Rathayatra Sunday, June 29, 2014 FREE BUS transportation is provided from Alachua. Bus starts boarding from Alachua Temple at 7:15 AM. Bus leaves Alachua around 7:30 AM. At around 10:00 AM, [...]
The Festival of the Chariots is sometimes referred to as Ratha Yatra, literally meaning Chariot Festival. Ratha Yatra originated 5,000 years ago in India, on the East Coast state of Orrisa, in a city called [...]
By Abhimanyu das Wolf The 6th annual Daytona Beach Ratha-yatra festival on May 24, 2014 began with an opening ceremony at the Holiday Inn. Dedicated devotees led a kirtan for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada [...]
Fourth Annual Ratha Yatra in Clearwater Beach Saturday, May 3, 2014 The fourth Annual Festival of the Chariots & Ratha Yatra Parade, will take placeon the beach at the Pier 60 Pavilion (1 Causeway Blvd) [...]
By Ananga Manjari devi Lord Jagannath’s Rathyatra Festival of the Chariots was part of the 46th Annual Springtime Tallahassee Parade. Preparations began in the early hours of the morning in the midst of heavy pouring [...]
Lord Jagannatha, Lord Balaram and Subhadra devi chose a brilliant blue-skied day dotted with white clouds for Their tour of St. Augustine on Sat., Mar. 23, 2014, showering mercy on everyone who gazed Their way. The Deities [...]